The world is a malleable place. How do we empower more people to articulate specific, positive visions of the future and go out and build them? How do acts of agency influence the self?
Personal Agency
Believe in Something
In the last two essays in this series, we established that agency is the critical resource of our age, and that networks—not just tools—shape how we exercise that agency.
Native to Our Built Environments
“What is fundamental to a convivial society is not the total absence of manipulative institutions and addictive goods and services, but the balance between those tools which create the specific demands they are specialized to satisfy and those complementary, enabling tools which foster self-realization.
The Age of Agency
The most dangerous idea in the world is that action alone breeds good outcomes.
Every Day is a Revolution
All the cool kids are revolutionaries.
Friends who go play ball
Some of my happiest moments came after making really big decisions.
Move with purpose
Since college, I’ve often straddled the line between optimist and ideologist.
Just do it.
Hands down, the number one thing I’ve learned this year is that energy and discipline are temporary.
Recalibrating Our Attention
Lately, I’ve been reflecting more on Visa’s quote, “pay attention to what you want to see more of.